One of my dearest friends, Ellen Stapenhorst, is an incredible singer/songwriter. She will be touring in California and Colorado during April and May. If you are in the area and can catch one of these appearances, I know you will have a memorable time. If you have any questions on these dates, you can contact Ellen at estapenhorst@earthlink.net
Sunday, April 7—Two Rivers Center for Spiritual Living 3145 Lakeside Drive, Suite 103, Grand Junction. Music for Sunday morning service, 10 am
Friday, April 12—Concert at the Cozmic Café, Placerville, CA, 7 pm 594 Main St., Placerville, CA $15 at the door For more info call 530 642-8481 or visitwww.ourcoz.com
Saturday, April 13—Live at the Oaks Concert in Cotati with Maury Manseau, Cheri Buonaguidi and Ellen Stapenhorst, 7-9 pm Church of the Oaks Fellowship Hall, corner of West Sierra and Page in Cotati, California. $10 minimum donation requested. Maury has been one of my favorite songwriters and musicians since the coffee house days in LA, as well as a good friend. It’s a delight to be able to do a show with him and Cheri. Songcircle/jam will follow the show.
Sunday, April 14—House Concert in Sonoma 3 pm Potluck, 4 pm Music Advance tickets $15, make checks payable to Bob Frayer, 920 Arbor, Sonoma, CA 95476 Call 707 938-0654 or email bobgary@sbcglobal.net Solo concert. Join us for an afternoon of music, food and community!
Wednesday, April 17—Music at the Epicurean Connection 7:30-10 pm 122 West Napa Street, Sonoma, CA 707 935-7960 Café, Cheese Shop, Beer and Wine Bar
Saturday, April 20—Songwriters at Play, Laetitia Winery, Arroyo Grande, CA 1-4 pm Laetitia Winery,453 Laetitia Vineyard Drive, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 (Located 4 miles south of AG’s Grand Street exit, left off 101, or 6 miles north of Nipomo Tefft St. exit, right off 101)
(805) 481-1772, www.laetitiawine.com
I will be joining other songwriters, including host Steve Key, for an afternoon of music (my set is at 1:20 pm) Visit www.songwritersatplay.com for more information
Sunday, April 21—Unity-Five Cities, Music and Message 10 am At The Victorian, 789 Valley Road, Arroyo Grande, CA 93421
www.unity5cities.org For more info, call Chris Garey 805 489-7359 or emailchris@peacefulpoint.com
Sunday, April 21—Peaceful Point House Concert & Potluck 4-6:30 pm 2850 Peaceful Point Lane, Arroyo Grande, CA Solo concert, sponsored by Unity Five Cities. Join us for music, food and community! $10 suggested donation Contact Chris Garey for details: 805 489-7359 or chris@peacefulpoint.com
Saturday, April 27—House concert with Dave Morrison, Covina Hills, CA Details TBA
Sunday, April 28—Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church, Pasadena, CA 9:30 & 11:30 am 301 N. Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena CA Special music for the services. With Steve Stapenhorst on guitar and vocals. 626 449-3470
Tuesday, April 30—The Coffee Gallery Backstage with Ellen & Steve Stapenhorst and special guests John Sommers, BC Cameron and Tholow Chan 8 pm 2029 N. Lake Ave, Altadena $15 For reservations call 626 798-6236 www.coffeegallery.com
Saturday, May 18 Concert with David Starr, Roy Martin and Ellen Stapenhorst at the KAFM Radio Room, 7:30 pm 1310 Ute Avenue, Grand Junction Tickets are $15—call 970 241-8801 x223 for tickets or more information, or purchase online atwww.kafmradio.org
“Incredible musicianship, and world class vocals combine for a completely memorable evening of music and entertainment in the intimate KAFM Radio room!” I love playing with these guys!
Sunday, May 19—Two Rivers Center for Spiritual Living 3145 Lakeside Drive, Suite 103, Grand Junction. Music for Sunday morning service, 10 am
Sunday, May 26—Aspen Chapel at the Roundabout 9:30 am Music and conversation for Memorial Day Service with Rev. Gregg Anderson
Sunday, June 2—Sunday Supper Concert Series with Bobby Mason and Ellen Stapenhorst, Vistas and Vineyards B & B, 3587 G Road in Palisade, 6 pm. Bring a picnic and enjoy the music in this lovely setting...always a fun, informal event. This is my sixth year doing this series, and the hosts Felix and Donna Iovanni are wonderful (so is the dessert!). $15 suggested donation. For reservations call 970 464-7478 or emailvistas_vineyards@bresnan.net www.vistasandvineyards.com
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